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A Good Friday Procession of the large wooden cross through downtown Victoria is planned for April 18. Coordinated by parishioners of Christ Church Cathedral, we conduct the walk as a contemplative opportunity for participants to reflect on the meaning of Good Friday. 

The intent is that participation be available to any who wish to come, who may join or leave en route as they’re moved to do. 

We leave Pioneer Square at Quadra and Rockland at 9:00 AM, returning by approximately 10:15 AM in time for services held at the Cathedral (12:00 noon) and elsewhere. The route proceeds from Pioneer Park along Quadra to Burdett and Humboldt, then north along Government to Johnson, east on Johnson to Quadra then returning to Pioneer Square. Short readings of the five passages from scripture are made at stops en route, and changes in carriers of the cross occur by request on an ongoing basis during the procession.