Coventry Cathedral holds a pilgrimage twice a year, in the spring and autumn, for partners of the Community of the Cross of Nails and those considering partnership. Pilgrims come together for prayer and contemplation, to meet others in the network, to share their stories and experiences, and to learn from and be involved in the work of the Cathedral’s global reconciliation ministry. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Coventry’s fall 2020 and spring 2021 pilgrimages were held online. Our Cathedral has been a partner in the Community of the Cross of Nails since 2019, and a group from the Cathedral had been planning to take part in the spring 2020 pilgrimage, but had to cancel their travel plans because of the pandemic. Two members of that group, the Rev’d Canon Jeannine Friesen and Dr Martha McGinnis, were able to attend this spring's online pilgrimage, from April 28-30. All groups attending were asked to give a five-minute presentation about the work on reconciliation and peace-building taking place in their organizations, and this video shows the Cathedral’s presentation. As a follow-up to the pilgrimage, Jeannine and Martha will be facilitating a book study from June 9-30, to read and discuss Reconcile, by John Paul Lederach. For more information and to register by May 13, please see the Cathedral’s E-News or contact the office at St. George's Cadboro Bay admin@stgeorgecadborobay.ca