Welcome to this service of the Holy Eucharist with the Collation of Archdeacons and Installation of Cathedral Canons
Link to the service leaflet: https://www.christchurchcathedral.bc.ca/pages/service-leaflets
Elizabeth Northcott (Nimpkish region) and Lon Towstego (Haro region) will be collated and installed in their seats as regional archdeacons and given the honorific "the Venerable."
An archdeacon is a senior clergy position appointed at the pleasure of the bishop. They are responsible for: welcoming and orienting new clergy to their region; installing a new incumbent in a service of celebration and leading the service in the absence of the bishop; providing pastoral support to parishes, especially in times of crisis; ensuring the smooth transition between incumbencies; and supporting and advising the bishop.
Brenda Nestegaard Paul and Eric Partridge will be installed as canons of Christ Church Cathedral. Cathedral canons automatically become members of the Cathedral Chapter, and as such, are accorded a stall in the cathedral, and the dignity of the honorific “canon.”
Cathedral canons take an active interest in the affairs and mission of the cathedral, and as possible, contribute to the same. As friends of the cathedral, members of the chapter promote and advocate for the cathedral’s role within the diocese. They may also called upon to advise upon matters relating to the care and maintenance of buildings and grounds of the cathedral precinct.