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If you look up in the cathedral, you will see that new LED lighting has been installed in the alcoves over the nave. When we checked the lighting levels in the pews with a light meter, we discovered that they were only about a quarter of the strength recommended for reading text (for instance, from a leaflet, hymn book or prayer book).

The new lights, fully installed in November, will illuminate both the seating area of the nave and the vaulted ceiling. They will also be dimmable, to respond to the changing levels of natural light from day to day, and the varying needs of services, concerts and other activities.

The cost of this project is being underwritten by Christ Church Cathedral Buildings, Ltd., and thus will not be a draw on our Sunday offerings. However, there will be advantages to our operating budget, in that each of these powerful lights draws less power than a standard household incandescent bulb, and delivers an estimated 100,000 hours of service before needing to be replaced.

Many thanks to Jeff Nelson and his crew for the time they are spending on this installation, and to our weekday worshipping community, who recently decamped to the Chapel of the New Jerusalem temporarily in order to allow the work to proceed efficiently, allowing us to use a taller crane lift in the nave.