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Many of you may be familiar with the tradition of having an Advent Calendar with little compartments containing treats that you can take out on each day of Advent. How about reversing the flow and putting something to eat into a box that you can then give to people who need it?

This year we are again going to encourage you to participate in a reverse Advent calendar. 

This is really simple and easy to do: just pick up some extra items when shopping and add an item to a box  or hamper each day in Advent, and bring the items into the cathedral week by week so we can display what we have collected and encourage others to join in. 

We will then arrange transport of all the food collected to the food bank at St John the Divine just after Christmas, when the need is greatest. 

Alternatively, keep your gifts at home and on (or close to) Christmas Eve drop it all off at the food bank of your choice.

You can download and print a copy of the calendar (attached below) which also includes a list of food banks in the region. 

A small thing like this can really make a difference to a hungry family and bring the meaning of Christmas home to us all.